Russian Icons

The tradition of painting icons started in Russia following the conversion of the Kievan Rus' to Orthodox Christianity in 988 AD. In Russian Orthodox Church there is a tradition of believe in the intercession of saints. Every person who was baptized was named in honor of a specific saint, it is considered that this saint is a patron for the whole life.

Size: 21.5x18 cm/8-2/3x7-1/5"

Size: 21.5x18 cm/8-2/3x7-1/5"


Size: 22x18 cm/8.8x7.2"


Size: 21.5x18 cm/8-2/3x7-1/5"


Size: 21.5x18 cm/8-2/3x7-1/5"

Size: 21.5x18 cm/8-2/3x7-1/5"

Size: 21.5x18 cm/8-2/3x7-1/5"


Size: 21.5x18 cm/8-2/3x7-1/5"


Size: 22x18 cm/8.8x7.2"


Size: 21.5x18 cm/8-2/3x7-1/5"


Size: 21.5x18 cm/8-2/3x7-1/5"


Size: 22x18 cm/8.8x7.2"