Faberge Jewelry

Faberge Jewelry section presents little treasures made in style of Faberge. Carl Fabergè was a famous jeweler who worked in St.Petersburg in the end of 19 and beginning of 20 century. Easter jewelry eggs created in the workshop of Faberge are most known, many Fabergè style eggs were made for Russian tsars. Nowadays many applied artists and jewelers work in style of Faberge though they create their own pieces of applied art - Easter eggs, jewelry boxes, enamel Faberge brooches, pendants and earrings. Things are made of brass, gilded, enameled with several layers of multicolored enamel and nicely decorated with Austrian crystals.


Size: 20 mm/4/5" tall

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Size: 20 mm/4/5" tall
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Size: 20 mm/4/5" tall
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Size: 20 mm/4/5" tall
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Size: 20 mm/4/5" tall
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Size: 20 mm/4/5" tall

In stock