The Royal Family was Glorified and Canonized by the Church. Before the Holy Martyrdom of the Royal Martyrs, it was not uncommon to find each Family member in deep prayer. It was almost as if they where making preparations for their fate. Their last days alive were as if they lived in preparation to go to Golgotha, where all seven of them would be crucified to one Cross.
Now considered saints, the Tsar Martyr Nicholas II, Tsarina Martyr Alexandra, Tsarevich Martyr Alexis, Grand Duchess Martyr Olga, Grand Duchess Martyr Tatiana, Grand Duchess Martyr Marie, and Grand Duchess Martyr Anastasia, this holy glorification and act of Holy Canonization took place in Moscow, Russia on August 19-29, 2000.
Olga and Marie are on the left. Tsar Nicholas II, Alexandra Feodorovna and Alexis are in the middle. Tatiana and Anastasia are on the right.