Icon John the Warrior

During the reign of the Julius the Apostate (the last non-christian Roman emporer 355- 363 AD)  John served in the Roman army and was sent by the emperor to one province to persecute Christians.  Being a Christian, John instead of persecuting his fellow christians, helped them with coins,  food and clothing. He freed those who had been arrested, warned others of dangers threatening them,  and assisted in their flight. St John showed charity not only to Christians, but to all the destitute and  those needing help. He visited with the sick, and he consoled the grieving. He visited and calmed the
 Christians who were already in prison with words of love, sympathy and encouragement. Having l earned about this, Julian demanded that he come to Constantinople, where he was arrested, imprisoned  and tortured.

 After the death of Julius, St. John received his freedom and devoted the rest of his life to God  and fellow men. The precise year of his death is unknown, and the place of burial of St John the Warrior  was gradually forgotten. Then he appeared to a certain devout woman and indicated the location of his  tomb. This became known throughout the region. His uncovered relics were placed in a church of the  Apostle John the Theologian in Constantinople. The Lord granted the relics of St John the Warrior the power of healing. Through the prayers of St John, the aggrieved and sorrowing received comfort.

 In the Russian Church, St John the Warrior is revered as a great intercessor in sorrows and difficult  circumstances. According to the Prologue, St.John "exposes thefts, and does this exposure openly.  There is a Russian Orthodox Church of St. John the Warrior on Yakimanka Street in the
 Yakimanka District of Moscow. It is considered the finest of all Zamoskvorechie churches, and mixes  Moscow and European baroque styles, resulting in a melange of shapes and colours. It was  commissioned by Peter the Great in tribute for his 1709 victory over Sweden at Poltava.  Although it's a working church, it is often locked; the 17th-century iconostasis is reputedly a masterpiece.  St. John the Warrior is considered to be the protector of Minsk-based 3310 army regiment. A special  chapel in honor of the saint was erected at the regiment in 2003. The chapel built at the territory of the
 regiment was the first one to be built at the territory of a military squad. Four more similar chapels  have been built since that time.